21st January 2011 is surely a day to remember. About 30 Gteam friends, old and new gathered for this great reunion dinner at Wonderland Restaurant KOMTAR, Penang. The food was hahaaa~~ u sendiri tau lah....;p.
We never forget out team birthday, this time we celebrate for Jan and Feb in one time~
Heng so lucky ooo~~ rose among tornssss....hahaaa.
Group photo~
SUPER Thanks for the organiser for putting in so much efforts. With 'OC' Ong woei Kheong, CK Wong, Eunice, Amanda, Mei Lau, Jerry Chong, Kerwaii, Heng....u guys we great...!!!!
Cheers to Gteam
Cheers to our team
Cheers to our organiser
Cheers to our F.R.I.E.N.D.S.H.I.P.....!!!!!!!!